• E-mail:sales01@flycomponents-ic.com
Excess Stock Resale

Excess Stock Resale

Market Analysis

The electronics industry changes with each passing day, customers' demands are changing rapidly Manufacturers often have a large amount of inventory or discarded components, resulting in a large backlog of funds. The rapid and effective treatment of sluggish inventory has become an indispensable means of revitalizing corporate funds and increasing the competitive advantage of enterprises.

Our advantage

  • A global client platform that finds the right buyer for your sluggish inventory quickly.

  • A powerful database management platform that analyzes potential market needs for each of your sluggish inventory items quickly.

  • Fast and safe logistics platform, which can complete the inventory transfer of domestic and foreign warehouses in the shortest time.

  • The latest and most real-time information platform to optimize your sluggish inventory value.

The Excess Stock Resale service that we provide

1)Package Disposal Program

2)Inventory consignment program